Maiz Azul Hopi 'Zea mays' Hopi Blue Corn
$ 1.99
Product Detail: Package contains 25 seeds. Germination rate 85%. Purity 99%. Packet includes instructions for planting.
General Plant Information: Blue corn (also known as Hopi maize, Yoeme Blue, Tarahumara Maiz Azul, and Rio Grande Blue) is several closely related varieties of flint corn grown in Mexico, the Southwestern United States, and the Southeastern United States. It is one of the main types of corn used for the traditional Southern and Central Mexican food known as tlacoyo.
It was originally developed by the Hopi, the Pueblo Indians of the Rio Grande in New Mexico, and several Southeastern Tribes, including the Cherokee. It remains an essential part of Hopi dishes like piki bread. Blue corn meal is a corn meal that is ground from whole blue corn and has a sweet flavor. It is also a staple of New Mexican cuisine used commonly to make tortillas.
Growing requirements:
3-11 |
SUN: |
Full sun |
Medium |
Evergreen |
60" |
Information for planting:
- Days to emerge: 7 days
- Seed depth: 1 inches
- Seed spacing: 4 inches
- Row: 32 inches
- Harvesting: 120 days
Information about our seeds: Most of our seeds come from traditional crops that farmers have cultivated for many years. These seeds are not GMO, do not chemically or biologically treated.
Guarantee: Seeds are living products that depend on many factors such as proper planting time and technique, depth of sowing, soil, proper germination environment, fertility, disease control, insect control, and reasonable weather for direct sown seeds. If any of these factors are not right, it may cause the seed to not perform and because most, if not all, of these are out of our control, most of the success of these seeds is in the hands of the grower. If they have been cared for properly and still fail to grow, we will replace the seed, one time.